Thank you for your question and interest. Kant's philosophy would not exist without Aristotle, for example. He has to be seen as influenced by the Greeks. What we usually mean by non-Greek is Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, African, as well as traditions of thought that predate Western influences. But of course this is not really fixed and can be debated.
So it might be possible for this essay to look into how really Greek somebody like Alexander Baumgarten (a Wolffian Piestist who invented Aesthetics and provided the basic metaphysics textbook that Kant used) might be? After all, he was dealing with a quasi-Newtonian universe infested with Leibnizian puzzles -- not really a very Greek place.
No. It is up to you. 🙏
Hey, is there a minimum word count limit to it too?
Dear, Romaric Jannel;
Please define "unpublished" within the parameters of this contest.
Thank you, Mark
It means not previously published in a journal, or a magazine, or on the internet.
Okay. I'm dealing with those non-Greeks. Kant's not Greek, right?
Thank you for your question and interest. Kant's philosophy would not exist without Aristotle, for example. He has to be seen as influenced by the Greeks. What we usually mean by non-Greek is Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, African, as well as traditions of thought that predate Western influences. But of course this is not really fixed and can be debated.
So it might be possible for this essay to look into how really Greek somebody like Alexander Baumgarten (a Wolffian Piestist who invented Aesthetics and provided the basic metaphysics textbook that Kant used) might be? After all, he was dealing with a quasi-Newtonian universe infested with Leibnizian puzzles -- not really a very Greek place.
It depends on how you present the problem, but I would definitely like to read something about Baumgarten. I really appreciate his Metaphysics.
I don’t see a deadline? Just posted to our members chat
End of June would be great 🙏. Many thanks for posting it.
where are we submitting to it?
To the email address in the post (I created it especially for this contest).
Wonderful idea! Will feature this inside the Club!